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I'm too young to write an autobiography, but here is the start.

was born “on the paper” in Kaunas (practically in Klaipeda maternity home) and grew up in Vilnius (Lithuania). In year 2001 I started a training as a medical doctor at Vilnius University. However, soon it was clear that biochemistry and physics were much more interesting than internal medicine. In 2003 I decided to pursue an academic career (Biophysics and Neurobiology).


I did my PhD at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) under the supervision of Hedderik van Rijn and Addie Johnson. Using EEG as a primary tool this work provided neural evidence for the proposed relationship between individual differences in working memory capacity and attentional control.


Thereafter, I moved to the Pink City in the South of France where I studied interaction between rhythmic sensory stimuli (visual and tactile) and intrinsic brain rhythms combining psychophysics, modelling, and EEG experiments in the lab of Rufin VanRullen (Centre de Recherche Cerveau & Cognition, Toulouse, France). 

After a few fruitful months at the University of Lethbridge in a group of Majid Mohajerani learning ins and outs of widefield imaging, I came back to France to the lab of Mathilde Bonnefond (Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon) to study the role of cross-frequency interactions in visual perception and attention using high-precision MEG.

And now I am back in Amsterdam as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow to work on network resonance in the visual cortex Alexander Heimel's group (Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience).

Here you can find my CV.


Contact: rasa.gulbinaite(at)

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