Gulbinaite, R., Nazari, M.,Rule, M. E., Bermudez-Contreras, E. J., Cohen, M.X, Mohajerani, M. (2023). Spatiotemporal resonance in mouse primary visual cortex. biorXiv
Chota, S., VanRullen, R., Gulbinaite, R., (2023). Random Tactile Noise Stimulation Reveals Beta-Rhythmic Impulse Response Function of the Somatosensory System. Journal of Neuroscience 43 (17), 3107-3119
Gulbinaite, R., Roozendaal, D. H. M., & VanRullen, R. (2019). Attention differentially modulates the amplitude of resonance frequencies in the visual cortex. NeuroImage 203:116146
MATLAB code: https://osf.io/7s2vp/
Duprez, J., Gulbinaite, R., Cohen, M.X (2018). Midfrontal theta phase coordinates behaviorally relevant brain computations during response conflict. NeuroImage 207:116340
Gulbinaite, R., van Viegen, T., Wieling, M., Cohen, M.X, VanRullen, R. (2017). Individual alpha peak frequency predicts 10 Hz flicker effects on selective attention. Journal of Neuroscience 37(42):10173-10184
R code: https://figshare.com/articles/Paper_package_Gulbinaite_et_al_zip/5211442
Gulbinaite, R., Ilhan, B., VanRullen, R. (2017). The triple-flash illusion reveals a driving role of alpha-band reverberations in visual perception. Journal of Neuroscience 37(30):7219-7230
Vissers, M., Gulbinaite, R., van den Bos, T., Slagter, H.A. (2017). Protecting visual short-term memory during maintenance: Attentional modulation of target and distractor representations. Scientific Reports 7(1): 4061
Cohen, M.X, Gulbinaite, R. (2016). Rhythmic entrainment source separation: Optimizing analyses of neural responses to rhythmic sensory stimulation. NeuroImage 147:43-56.
MATLAB code and Sample Data: https://osf.io/3qbxw/
Gulbinaite, R., Van Rijn, H., Cohen, M.X. Fronto-parietal network oscillations reveal relationship between working memory capacity and cognitive control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:761.
Gulbinaite, R., Johnson, A., De Jong, R., Morey, C.C., Van Rijn, H. (2014). Dissociable mechanisms underlying individual differences in visual working memory capacity. NeuroImage 99(1), 197-206.
Cohen, M.X, Gulbinaite, R. (2013). Five methodological challenges in cognitive electrophysiology. NeuroImage 85(2), 702–710.
Gulbinaite, R., Johnson, A. (2013) Working memory capacity predicts conflict-task performance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67(7), 1383-1400.
Book chapters:
Johnson, A.*, Gulbinaite, R. *(2012). Performance Monitoring and Error-related Brain Activity. In Neuroergonomics: A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Human Factors and Ergonomics (Johnson, A. & Proctor, R.W. Ed.) * equal contribution
PhD Thesis:
Gulbinaite, R. (2014). Variations in working memory capacity: From cognition to brain networks.
NMA (National Student Academy), Nida, Lithuania
Introduction to Zombiology (2012).
Measuring love (2012).
Gender equality and gender differences in neuroscience (2011).
How does brain learn from mistakes? (2011).
Signal detection theory or how we make decisions (2010).